Meet the team


Grant Sherriffs — Senior 360° Graphic Designer

Grant studied Graphic Design in Dundee — then took the night bus to London and spent the next 20 years helping brands like John Lewis, Reed Business and Sony.

In 2016 he founded publishing company Red Letter Books, producing bespoke memoirs and corporate histories. In 2020, he brought three decades’ experience to the studio of Delta Design.


Mark Schulz — Founder & Creative Director

After working for WCRS, Grey London and BBDO, heading up Brand Guardianship for O2, and co-founding verbal ID firm True & Good, Mark launched Delta Design in 2020 as a resource for clients looking for more than verbal identity help.

He leads all of Delta Design’s projects. Running the initial client briefing. Overseeing creative development. Managing the in-house studio and design process. And calling in freelance expertise when it’s needed.

His polymath background brings a unique mix of both client- and agency-side campaign management. Hands-on concepting and creative directional skill. And a breadth and attention-to-detail that means he is equally happy copywriting and proofreading your social posts, as he is optical-kerning the type.